The How Matters

Selecting and Promoting Leaders in Today’s Challenging Times

Hiring a mismatch for your company culture is a recipe for disaster. We see it all the time. In fact, it is the single-most critical issue we face in nearly every search engagement – talented individuals on paper who simply don’t click with the organization’s DNA.

Whether it’s appointing the next CEO or hiring external candidates for mid-level leadership roles, the absolute necessity of fitting into or fixing the culture of the organization making the selection decision cannot be stressed enough, as emphasized by both clients and candidates.

So, how do you avoid the high cost of cultural fit misalignment in leadership selection?

  • Define Excellence: Before recruiting leaders, crystallize your ideal cultural fit. What behaviors and values define success in your organization? 
  • Harness Assessment Power: Leverage proven assessment tools to measure candidate alignment with your team dynamics and culture objectively. 
  • Context is Key: A successful leader in one environment might not thrive in yours. Prioritizing cultural fit is the ultimate multiplier of leadership success.
  • Unleash Your Boundary Spanners: Identify and invest in “boundary spanners” – leaders adept at bridging direct and indirect roles. They are a key driver of organizational transformation.

Discover the proven and effective best practices for identifying and nurturing strong leaders with confidence in The How Matters. Drawing from real-world case studies, Jay Millen, Managing Partner, Board and CEO Practice, shares his expertise on defining your ideal organizational culture, utilizing powerful assessment tools, navigating the complexities of internal promotions, and unleashing the potential of “boundary spanners.” 

Don’t just hire A-players; hire A-players for your team.

In The How Matters, you’ll find how to:

  • Master best practices for assessing cultural fit
  • Access essential tools to pin-point high-potential candidates
  • Leverage real-world case studies to unlock proven strategies
People talking in a modern board room, grey text says The How Matters: Selecting and Promoting Leaders In Today's Challenging Times, Assessing Cultural Fit

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