
Excerpted from the Financial Post:

You’ve no doubt heard of Alexander the Great, but how about Alexander the Happy? More formally known as Alexandre L’Heureux, he has helped transform a small Montreal-based engineering company once known as Genivar Inc. into a multinational giant called WSP Global Inc.

Over the same time frame, WSP’s revenues have grown 125 per cent to hit $14.4 billion in fiscal 2023 from $6.4 billion, and revenues in fiscal 2024 were tracking 7.4 per cent higher as of the third quarter, with year-end results to be reported on Feb. 26.

Perhaps more impressive is that WSP’s approximately 73,000 employees are working on 200,000 projects around the world — indeed, they are on every continent, including Antarctica. But those numbers are just some of the reasons L’Heureux has been named Canada’s Outstanding CEO of the Year for 2024, as presented by Bennett Jones LLP, Caldwell and the National Post.

“Alexandre L’Heureux has achieved exceptional success. Truly extraordinary,” Hugh MacKinnon, chair of the CEO of the Year Advisory Board, said. “Since L’Heureux became CEO in 2016, some 55 organizations around the globe have been acquired by and are now operating as part of WSP Global. He has kept WSP uncomplicated and lean, a company dedicated to ethical behaviour, profound regard for the communities it serves and professional excellence in its service offerings.”

L’Heureux also appears to be quite happy, though the moniker was given to him by the Montreal Council of Foreign Relations since it’s a direct translation of his name. Still, it fits.

“Alexandre L’Heureux has taken a successful Quebec engineering company and turned it into one of the world’s leading engineering and professional services consulting firms,” John Wallace, executive chair of Caldwell, said. “Its growth into a global powerhouse has been led by a truly outstanding leader. Alexandre is a model of vision, strategic understanding and the kind of deep, insightful analysis that transforms courage into business success. He has created growth that also expands its expertise and reach — growth that offers clients ever-better service.”

Find the full article and interview with Alexandre L’Heureux here.

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