
79 Wellington Street West
TD South Tower
Suite 2410, P.O. Box 75
Toronto, ON M5K 1E7

Phone  +1 416 920 7702
Fax  +1 416 922 8646
Exit Map / Show Office Info

About Our Toronto Office

Caldwell began operations when the Toronto office opened its doors on Prince Arthur Ave in 1970. Since then, we have evolved into the only Canadian-owned top-20 global executive search firm. We built our reputation through our team’s success in executing searches for boards, all levels of general management and selected functional experts. Now located in the financial district, the Toronto office serves clients across a variety of industries, including financial services, insurance, industrial, real estate, life sciences and healthcare, technology, consumer, professional services, education, non-profit, government, and private equity/venture capital.

The Toronto office is also the location of the firm’s corporate headquarters. Canada’s first retained executive search firm, Caldwell Partners was also the first executive search firm to become a public company in 1989 (TSX: CWL). We founded and continue to promote prestigious award programs from our Toronto office, including Canada’s Outstanding CEO of the Year™ and Canada’s Top 40 Under 40™.

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